Thursday, October 6, 2011

With Never a Backward Glance

When Adam and Eve
Stood outside of Eden's closed gates,
The gold of sunrise flecked the barren sands,
Gilded the great Joshua-arms of the desert
And glorified the far horizon.

In the distance--backward to Eden--
Came the singing of seraphim,
While from the waste land came the scream of the lion,
A challenge-call to conquer.

Eve spoke, "It is better thus:
We are not fallen mortals but rising gods
Knowing good from evil.
The Father smiled approval as He said, 'Depart.'
I am not afraid."

Adam answered her challenge,
"Wisely we disobeyed. In our innocence
We knew not we were naked until awakened
By the alchemy of the forbidden fruit.
Now we will multiply and have dominion over the earth
Even as God commanded.
In deserts of despair there will be oases of hope.
Guided by the torches of avatars from other spheres,
We shall make all earth an Eden."

Not guilelessness with pale, passionless joy was beckoning
But virile, purposeful toil holding a banner emblazoned "Eternal Godship."
The glory of Eden paled to insignificance.
Hand in hand, Adam and Eve walked away from the closed gates
With never a backward glance.