Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Way Illumined

The chilly wind was howling, whistling through
Nude trees. The clouds of war were ominous
With death. In tears our country's Father knelt
In prayer until, above the voice of War,
He heard an angel-trumpet's mighty blast;
And light as from a thousand suns streamed down.
He heard the song America would sing,
The anthem that would echo from her farms,
Her homes, her shops and temples: Victory
In Union!
Then the shadowy angel spoke--
The words to flash upon the screen of time--
"While stars remain and Heaven sends down dew
Shall this republic last!" His pinioned faith
Touched knowledge ... He arose in awe to see,
Beyond the crimson footprints in the snow,
The way illumined by the Torch of God.

(Taken from an account of Washington's vision as
told by Anthony Sherman, who listened as Washington
related it to a confidential officer.)