Monday, February 28, 2011

The Hunter

I have loved beauty, and I have pursued her
And found her at night wearing moon-silvered jade.
With tremulous lips and a song I have wooed her,
Joyously, rapturously unafraid.

Her feet have been dancing on moon-rippled water
While lighted star-lanterns hung low in the trees.
Her voice has been calling, "Sing to me daughter,"
When killdeer were spilling their dawn symphonies.

Her song still enthralls me when I am toiling
At tasks that enslave me, but song shall unload
The burden within me till I am foiling
Defeat with her stardust illuming my road.

Oh, I shall love beauty and I shall pursue her
When death's lyric bugle at last calls release.
Renewed, I shall find her and tenderly woo her
Forever in valleys of infinite peace.